Permanent Collection

The Antequera Museum has one of the richest and most important collections in the province of Malaga, given its particular geographical location and the richness of its fertile plain, which have led to the settlement of various civilizations throughout history.

The collection of the Museum of the City of Antequera houses great treasures of all periods and styles, highlighting among many others the famous Efebo de Antequera.







  • All
  • Galería
  • Sala III
  • Sala IV
  • Sala IX
  • Sala V
  • Sala VI
  • Sala VII
  • Sala VIII
  • Sala X
  • Sala XI
  • Sala XII
  • Sala XIII
  • Sala XIV
  • Sala XIX y XX
  • Sala XV
  • Sala XVI y XVII
  • Sala XVIII
  • Sala XXII
  • sala XVI
  • sala XVII
  • sala XXI
  • sala XXIV
  • sala XXVII
  • salaXI